Don’t say gator

Lil Gator knows who they are: feisty, friendly, and fashionable! When those around spew hatred, Lil Gator doesn’t let it get ‘em down — they reply by tappin’ their toes and singin’ their song! Don’t Say Gator is anthem of joyful confidence, courage, and standing up against those who would silence you. Plus, an animated music video of this book will be available in sing-along and karaoke versions easily accessed through a QR code in the front cover. That’s so Gator!


a normal turtle

The story of a young fox kit who, as an infant, gets himself stuck in a turtle shell. As a result, his whole life he's raised as a turtle; even though he knows deep inside that he is not who he appears to be on the outside. Despite everyone in his life telling him who he is and how he should act, our little fox must find the courage to come out of his shell...

A Normal Turtle is back in stock!


an actual family

The story of Agatha, an adopted otter who starts to have questions about how she fits in. After being teased for being different than her parents, Agatha runs away to find her "actual family." On her journey, Agatha meets animals of every type, in families of every sort, and eventually discovers that there is no single definition of what a family must be. Perhaps Agatha may find that her "actual" family is the one she already has...